Empowering Caregivers to Fill Their Vase
The Janice Hart Foundation logo
The Janice Hart Foundation logo
Younger & mature woman smiling at eachother

A Nonprofit
for Caregivers

The Janice Hart Foundation is dedicated to supporting caregivers of individuals with progressive illnesses. Our goal is to create a strong and connected community of caregivers by implementing valuable resources and services. Our mission is to provide effective caregiver support, education, and training to those who need it most. Join us in our mission to help caregivers feel empowered, informed, and connected. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you and your loved one.
How We Help
Polaroid of Janice Hart and husband
Polaroid of Janice Hart and husband


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Our Story

In 2020, Ashley, our founder, finally had an opportunity to focus on her passion projects, and she reacquainted herself with what brought her true joy in life. Only then did Ashley realize she did not feel like she was following her life’s mission, so she decided to take action. This is how The Janice Hart Foundation was born!

Ashley kept her plans to herself for some time, not knowing if it would be something her community truly needed. However, in June 2022, she listened to nudges of her intuition, leaned into the work, and did not let fear stop her from creating a space she knew would help serve so many people in the community. Ashley has been well aware that caregivers were not receiving the care and support they desperately and deservingly needed. Giving back to caregivers who give so much to the ones they love became Ashley’s primary focus and mission, especially since this topic hits close to home for her.

So, where does The Janice Hart Foundation name come from, and why did Ashley start it? Ashley’s Grandma’s name is Janice! Her Grandma became a caregiver for Ashley’s Grandpa, Denver, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s when she was in middle school. Janice was the sole caretaker of her Grandpa, and Ashley witnessed the struggles her Grandma went through as a result.

In January 2021, Ashley’s Grandma was unfortunately diagnosed with colon cancer, which spread to her stomach. Ashley’s Aunt became her sole caregiver while working full-time, dealing with a pandemic, and taking her Grandma to and from doctor appointments. Ashley, now an adult, became fully aware of caregivers’ struggles and witnessed once more the essential missing piece; a community for caregivers.

In March 2022, Ashley’s Grandma passed from cancer, and she misses her dearly every single day, but she knows her Grandma is inspiring her to do this work and cheering her on from above. In honor of Grandma Janice, Ashley created this community for caregivers so you, too feel supported and nurtured the way you support and nurture your loved ones in their greatest time of need.

Welcome to The Janice Hart Foundation family! We’re so honored you’re here! XOXO

Our Team

The Faces behind the Mission

Looking to make a difference?

Help us in our mission to help caregivers fill their vase.
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Our Team

The Faces behind the Mission

Looking to make a difference?

Help us in our mission to help caregivers fill their vase.
Donate Today

Frequently asked Questions

We’ve added some of our most frequently asked questions below.
If you have any other questions, please contact us.
What services does The Janice Hart Foundation provide?
We will provide peer and therapeutic support groups, volunteers to assist caregivers, emergency bill assistance, and community resources and contact information for home health aides, attorneys, doctors, independent living facilities, and nursing homes.

By fall 2023 we will be offering our caregiver support groups and additional support services will follow in 2024.
How do you see The Janice Hart Foundation growing and what are your goals?
The Janice Hart Foundation’s mission is to provide support by creating a community, and implement resources for caregivers of individuals with progressive illnesses.

Our vision for the Janice Hart Foundation will come in stages:
  • First Stage - Create a caregiver community and build public awareness about The Janice Hart Foundation and the services and resources we provide that include contact information for attorneys, home health aides, nursing homes, etc.
  • Second stage (starting late 2023/early 2024) – start our support groups and build a network of volunteers to provide assistance and reprieve to caregivers.
  • Third stage (starting 2025/2026) – start a small emergency bill assistance program for caregivers. This will include financial assistance to cover a medical bill, car insurance, light bill, a portion of rent, groceries, etc.
  • Fourth Stage (starting 2026/2027) – Take everything we have learned throughout the previous years of growing our mission and begin to lobby the Florida Legislature for additional funding and assistance for caregivers.
  • Fifth Stage (starting 2028) – Remove myself (Ashley) from my current job and become the President full time, and begin to hire one to two people to work with the nonprofit full/part-time. We plan on bringing social work and mental health interns in at this stage and will work to create a paid internship program.
  • Sixth Stage (starting 2029) – Begin to expand The Janice Hart Foundation to other locations throughout the state of Florida.
  • Seventh Stage (starting 2035) – Begin to expand The Janice Hart Foundation to other states across the United States with the dream of expanding internationally one day so we can create a global community for caregivers.
When will the caregiver support groups begin?
We are hoping to get the support groups up and running by late 2023 or early 2024.
How can I support The Janice Hart Foundation?
We are so honored that you would consider supporting our mission! Currently, the main support we need right now are financial donations as this will allow us to fund our emergency bill assistance program and pay our volunteers who provide assistance and reprieve to caregivers. No donation is too small. If you would prefer to contribute in other ways we would be so grateful if you visit our social media pages (Instagram and Facebook) and like and share with friends and family! If you know a caregiver, please share our website as we want to reach as many caregivers as we can to support them as well. If you would like to host an event where proceeds go to The Janice Hart Foundation, that would greatly support us as well.

If you have a particular skill set you think The Janice Hart foundation could utilize, please reach out through our contact page. We are always looking for people to help our organization grow as we work to give back to our caregivers who give so much to those they care for! If you would like to be put on our volunteer list for the future, please reach out as we would love to work with you!
What do my financial donations go towards?
First, we want to thank you for your support and donation! Since we are in stage one of our seven stages (please refer to the "How do you see The Janice Hart Foundation growing and what are your goals?" FAQ to learn more) we will be using financial donations to help establish and grow The Janice Hart Foundation by covering overhead expenses like website hosting, marketing content, and google suites. It is of most importance that the Foundation remains financially transparent. This means if you ask to see documentation of our funds we would be happy to provide that for you.

In phase one we will be specifically focusing on building public relationships by attending community events and providing marketing material and take home goodies for our community members and supporters. Once we progress to the second stage we will use financial contributions for hosting our own community activities.

Just a reminder, the board does not take any form of compensation and will not until The Janice Hart Foundation is fully self-sustainable. Ashley (our founder) has a goal of five years to make this happen.
The Janice Hart Foundation is a 501(C)(3) Non Profit Organization – EIN 92-2022192